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Jaydeep Belapure, PhD

Computational Biology | Data Scientist in Life Sciences | Physicist

Based in Halle (Saale), Germany

Hi, I am a physicist by education and Computational Biologist/data scientist by profession, having 6+ years of experience at R&D as a Sr. Algorithm Scientist/Optics Physicist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, a leading Electron Microscpy technology company.

What excites me

In short 'About me'

I love solving data driven problems using modern Machine learning algorithms, with a strong inclination towards problems in life sciences, especially, in medical and healthcare domain.

To pursue my interest, recently I joined as a Postdoc in a computational structural biology lab with in-house Cryo-EM imaging facility. I have been working on different problems, applying my skills in machine learning and statistical techniques. Along this path I have developed strong expertise in various machine learning methods as well as handling variety of data types, such as 1D signals, 2D images, 3D volume datasets, text-data, and other multi-dimensional data sets (e.g. xyz, time, energy...). Here, I am posting some of the interesting problems that I have worked on as hobby. My recent published (and unpublished, hobby) projects can be found on my GUthub page, and on Linkedin page, linked below.

In my spare time I love running and cycling in the woods along the country side roads.

Work Experience

My professional background

n Computational Biologist/Machine Learning researcher (Postdoc)

Center for Innovation Competence (ZIK), Martin-Luther-University, Halle(Saale) Germany | 2021

n-1 Sr. Algorithm Scientist/Optics Physicist

Advanced Technology group, R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, Netherlands | 2014-2020.

n-2 Postdoctoral researcher

Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Munich, Germany, and

Culham Science Centre, Oxford, UK | 2013

n-3 Doctoral student

Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany,

International Max Planck Reseach School, Munich, Germany | 2009 - 2013.

n-4 Research Assistant

Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune and

National Center for Radio Astrophysics, Pune, India | 2008.


Something that is never over...


Selected problems I enjoyed working on...

Cell detection from microscopy images

Detect cell signal from microscopy images

A simple computer-vision based algorithm to detect cell (spots-like) signals from microscopy images in Life Sciences. Contains simulated imaging-data with varying number of cells and intensities, with corresponding statistical analysis.

View here » Github »
Statistical assessment of PPI

IRAA: A Protein-protein interaction assessment tool

It is a Python Jupyter Notebook based simple GUI; a statistical tool for investigating a protein-protein interaction interface from multiple protein structures. Full article:

View here » Github »
Bayesian parameter estimation

Bayesian Analysis web-tool

A dashboard tool to perform full Bayesian Parameter Estimation, a robust approach in quantifying a statistically significant difference or similarity between any two sets of measurements.

View here » Github »
Automated workflow for cloudbased data analysis

Automated workout analysis workflow.

A Web-app based on Plotly Dashboard, to automatically pull recent workouts from cloud, recorded by Polar sport watch, and provide detailed insights over the progress (or not!).

View here » Github »
Convolutional neural network

Image classification using deep learning.

Generated >1000 views on, making it one of the most popular notebooks, on the CNN based model to classify images as cats or dogs, WITHOUT transfer learning techniques.

View here » Github »
CNN visualization

DL/ML what the network learns?: Visualize filters and feature maps

Inside CNN: how the filters look like? what does the output at different layers look like? Visualize the feature maps and filters.

View here » Github »

CNN model to identify if a patient has Pneumonia

A CNN based model is developed to identify if a patient is suffering from Pneumonia or not. Model developed from scratch i.e. without transfer learning, show 91% test accuracy.

View here » Github »

Book recommender system using description of books.

Recommend books, using Co-similarity as well as user-book matrix factorization approach. Plus a quick search engine to find a book given some keywords.

View here » Github »

Clustering Covid-19 research articles

By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and matrix factorization (PCA/LDA), thousands of text articles are processed to identify different clusters.

View here » Github »
